Opinion: KQ turnaround must rise above State bailouts – Otieno Panya
Business Daily | by Otieno Panya
Air transport plays a key role in many economies. In Kenya, the Vision 2030 blueprint aims at positioning the...
Opinion: On forests glory, go back to Ndung’u Report – Collins Odote
Environment Cabinet Secretary Keriako Tobiko is seeking to reclaim part of Ngong Forest from private hands. The controversy rekindles debates about past allocations of...
Opinion: Glaring gaps in the new digital services tax law – Titus Mukora
Business Daily | by Titus Mukora
There has been a lot of commentary in the media in respect of the newly introduced digital services tax....
Opinion: How Helb loan terms are killing graduates dreams – Gideon Keter
Business Daily | by Gideon Keter
The Higher Education Loans Board's motto is ‘Empowering Dreams’. This is succinct message captured the aspirations of those who...
Opinion: How Kenya can tap the potential of MSMEs for jobs – Mohammed Doyo
Business Daily | by Mohammed Doyo
The Kenyan labour market is characterised by inadequate employment opportunities especially for the fast growing youth population.
According to the...
Opinion: Improve public ownership for effective Covid response – Dennis Kabaara
Business Daily | by Dennis Kabaara
In our March 19 request to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), it is officially stated that “Kenya moved quickly...
Opinion: Africa lags in Digitalisation of Everything – Bitange Ndemo
Business Daily | by Bitange Ndemo
Africa’s digital transformation has reached a tipping point, and nothing will stop it. Like in other parts of the...
Opinion: Speculation in land hurting affordable housing scheme – Edward Kariuki
Business Daily | by Edward Kariuki
Affordable housing in Kenya will remain a pipe dream if the problem of land speculation and hoarding is not...