Article: Education on land subdivision can increase food production – Nickson Onyango
It is a common feature to see signage of plots for sale along our highways and roads with a cache that there are only...
Article: Strengthen community land structures – Washe Kazungu
The 2010 Constitution of Kenya established a two-tier system of government whereby we now have a national government carrying out its functions through various...
Article: Acquisition of land critical to power transmission plans
The re-introduction of compulsory acquisition of land as an option in mitigating complexities associated with wayleaves breathes a new lease of life into the...
Article: Register community land to reduce conflict over resources – Justus Wambayi
The Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning should give priority the registration of community land in the coming financial year to unlock the development...
Article: Remove land hurdle to house all Kenyans – Kahaki Muindi
An estimated 13 million Kenyans live in cities and towns. Kenya’s urban population is swelling rapidly. Yet, more than 70 percent of urban residents...
Article: Land ministry staff need specialised training – Washe Kazungu
The land sector in Kenya is set to go through a transformative period as we embark on registering more than two-thirds of the country’s...
Article: Rethink role of land commission – Collins Odote
The term of the inaugural commissioners of the National Land Commission has come to an end. A few days ago, one of the commissioners...
Article: Digital land management system needed – Justus Wambayi
Kenya’s Vision 2030 recognises proper land administration and management as a springboard for development. The vision outlines establishment of a digital Land Information Management...